
It takes three spacechem
It takes three spacechem

Even when you're connecting push blocks with distant switches, it's still a very straightforward process, and the most complex design will take only a few minutes to build - at which point the fun of debugging begins. Puzzles swiftly become pleasantly challenging, but the solution will always lie with the same handful of basic elements: conveyor belts to move pieces around, rotators to change their direction, welders to stick multiple pieces together with the brisk sizzle from a laser. These pieces are all pretty simple to get to grips with, too. You move around the environment here in the first-person, and you select the pieces you can use from a familiar tray at the bottom of the screen. Infinifactory's a lot more approachable than SpaceChem, I think, and this is largely down to the way it uses the UI and mechanics of building games like Infiniminer and Minecraft to really thrust you into its world. This wasn't hard, but I made it look hard, and that's what counts. With this shift in focus comes an unexpected boon. Factories replace reactors, and squat little chunks of utilitarian hardware fill in for atoms and molecules, This isn't just about terminology, either. Here, though, you're working in three dimensions, and on a far more human scale than SpaceChem allowed for. Often, there is no single point of manufacture, and you're essentially constructing a production line on which things take shape as they move. Infinifactory is all about building machines that allow you to piece together the specific objects you'll need to clear specific challenges - and then transport those objects from the point of manufacture to the goal. It's that I want to start tinkering, because tinkering will get you going here, even in lieu of an actual plan. Most of all, I love the fact that my initial response to the unveiling of an impossible new puzzle - and they all look impossible at first - isn't that I want to lie down in another room and maybe eat a biscuit.

it takes three spacechem

I love the squeal of victory that erupts when a solution suddenly presents itself, of course, but I also love the protracted groan when things go wrong in an unforeseen, hilarious, and yet entirely logical, manner. Actually, you're probably going to love it, because, grim and dehumanised as this follow-up to SpaceChem often is, it's also a profoundly loveable game.

it takes three spacechem

If you're happy to think of a conveyor belt as a unit of time, you're probably going to get on okay with Infinifactory.

It takes three spacechem